Honestly, I hope you haven't missed me too much!
There have been a number of reasons for my online silence.
1. My phone is refusing to publish the entry I wrote on it last week. Or to share it with the laptop so I can publish it from there. At the moment it's in blog purgatory. (I was toying with blog-atory but thought it was a little too obscure...)
2. We have no Internet at the moment. Apparently an engineer is on their way but it doesn't help me (or Emma who is paying a daily rate to BT for a wifi hotspot to do her work).
3. Emma has been working late in the evenings and at weekends so I've not had the time. Sorry.
4. I've been organising a friend's stag do which is harder than it appears.
5. But the real reason is that I'm shattered!
The last 3 weeks have been the toughest of my life! (Well, since leaving the army anyway).
The actual work isn't hard. Get up; make a bottle of formula; feed baby with said formula; entertain baby with toys /stories / nursery rhymes / (as a last resort) singing until she's tired then put her to bed until she wakes and repeat. Ad nauseam.
To add a little spice, I feed her solid food twice a day which takes longer to eat and therefore requires less singing as feeding is a form of entertainment in itself.
What makes things a little more difficult is that the day starts at 5am. Her first nap in the morning has recently been at about 9; by which point I'm awake and - as I never know how long Emilia will nap for - I tend to not get too comfortable just I case she wakes again. So I don't go to sleep during the day.
By the time Emma's finished work and we've had dinner, it's 11pm and I'm "chin-strapped".
Normally, Mon-Fri of doing this would be fine but, as I said earlier, Emma is working weekends and so I've not been able to get a lie-in or catch up with my rest.
I think this all started when Emilia had a cold which is why she wasn't sleeping properly. Emma promptly came down with the same cold however because of the lack of sleep I've been getting, I came down with man-flu (it's real and recognised - see here)
Normally, Mon-Fri of doing this would be fine but, as I said earlier, Emma is working weekends and so I've not been able to get a lie-in or catch up with my rest.
I think this all started when Emilia had a cold which is why she wasn't sleeping properly. Emma promptly came down with the same cold however because of the lack of sleep I've been getting, I came down with man-flu (it's real and recognised - see here)
So anyway, that's my list of (slightly pathetic) excuses for not updating the blog recently. I hope you have all managed to live full and normal lives while I've been away!
P.S. If there's anything you feel I should be writing about, let me know because I don't think I can do 6 months of: I woke up, I fed her, she slept, she woke up, I fed her.
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