Our daughter was 5 months and 20 days old when I took over parental duties. This is an honest account of what I got up to for those 6 months from June 2013 - written by a Dad. Edit: I have now been allowed to do this again with our second, Taliesin, so I have continued the blog June 2015 -->
Monday, 24 June 2013
What's the time, Mr Wolf?...
Since becoming a Stay-at-Home-Dad I've basically stopped wearing a watch.
There's no point. I wake up when Emilia wakes up; I feed her when she's hungry (normally about the same times every day) and I put her back to bed when she's tired.
I had an app on the iPad that I would put timings of when she did certain things (feed/sleep/nappy-change) and it would remind me when the next one was due however it only lasted 2 weeks before I realised i was pre-empting it anyway so it seemed that we had a good routine going.
There are obviously a few times when I need to be somewhere at a certain time but most of those are routine things, like baby-group or similar and they're not overly fussed if you're 10-20 minutes late anyway as they're a drop-in thing.
If it's an appointment, my phone reminds me 30 minutes before I need to leave the house which is normally enough time to check for a last-minute nappy change or bottle, collect everything, dress us both and head out of the house.
Last night i did check my phone when I was woken by a grizzling baby. It was 01:00 exactly! She then spent the next hour and a half refusing to / unable to go back to sleep.
At first I thought it was because her nappy was wet, so I changed it.
Then I thought she might be hungry, so I fed her (she hadn't eaten properly yesterday and was a bottle short by the time she went to bed)
Then Emma thought she might be cold so we put an extra layer on her.
She has a bit of a blocked nose at the moment so we've got a Calpol Diffuser plugged in however it has a built-in night light (well, I say nightlight, it's more like the blinding light of a nuclear explosion) so i unplugged that but then she became bunged up again and couldn't sleep!
Emma eventually took matters into her own hands and went old-school. She wet a flannel, added Olbas oil and left it on the radiator to evaporate. No light and no blocked nose = sleeping baby.
Thank you Emma.
Emilia is now sleeping again. I've decided baby group is a bad idea as she's not well and tired so we're going to have a day of sleeping and reading stories.
Hopefully she'll be better soon and we can go back to normal.
Friday, 21 June 2013
Happy Summer Solstice

Thursday, 20 June 2013
Mr Angry
Before I start, I've been thinking about household dynamics. There has been a tremendous shift in the dynamic of this house. I used to be out of the house for at least 10 hours of a day (8/9 hour shifts and overtime + commuting time). Emma worked from home and we (kinda) had jobs in the house / with animals etc that we would get done if we saw they needed it.
Obviously when Emilia was born, the dynamic changed again. Emma was home and not "working", I was still out for the 10 hours and with my shift-pattern I wasn't necessarily home at weekends; but we settled into a less-than- perfect system where I would do what I could, when I could and we got by with Emma doing the majority of everything.
The dynamic has changed again last week - and is still changing.
As the title suggests, Yesterday afternoon I wasn't a happy bunny.
The morning went well: Woke at 6. Bottle til 20 past. Slept til 8. We then had a great time playing with paints at "Messy Play"
We did a piece of art for Mummy - Emilia actually did a lot of it. I did the thick orange line then she smudged it and put the random splodges everywhere with her hands.
(I really need to buy an apron for her as it appears the paint doesn't come out in the wash!)
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Emilia and her first piece of art. Note the paint on her too! |
As we were leaving the hall, we bumped into Emma, who - apparently - had a quiet day in "the office" and so thought she'd come up and spend some time with us, so we spent an extra 30 minutes being messy.
Sunday, 16 June 2013
To TV or not to TV? That is the question.
So I created a rule for myself that I won't put the TV on during the day (unless Emilia's sleeping, I've prepared everything for the next period of awake-ness and even done all the house-work I need). So I would very rarely put the TV on during the day!
TV so I wasn't exactly struggling to follow the storyline or some clever plot twist but we both fell silent and watched Oliver Discovers. (I can't even remember what he discovered but I was obviously enjoying it!)
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For those who don't know what Oliver Discovers... |
New rule: no tv in the morning.
Friday, 14 June 2013
I've got that Friday feeling!
Thursday, 13 June 2013
Wow... I wasn't expecting this!
So today was difficult. - "I-told-you-so" is not a helpful response, mothers!
When I started this on Monday (and Tuesday to an extent) it was an easy life. Emilia would sleep for 15 of the 24 hours that the day has been divided into and I could fill the other 9 hours with feeding, playing, singing nonsense and "dancing" about the house with her in my arms.
The biggest concern I had was how I was going to keep my brain from turning to mush during the days and what I could do to encourage Emilia's development while I had her to myself.
Yesterday, all that changed. Yesterday we woke at 04:something for a bottle and then went back to bed for a couple of hours but that was the last she saw of the inside of her eyelids until 19:00 when she was bathed and put to bed.
I knew from what little experience I had (i.e. I had been told by Emma) that without decent naps during the day, she would not sleep well at night. We had already bought tickets for Iron Man 3 (I'm not going to get sidetracked with a review here) and organised a baby-sitter so when she came round at 19:00 I ran through the problems we had had and explained that we were just down the road etc if needed and we went off to enjoy ourselves for 2 and a half hours.
We got back to a soundly sleeping baby and no reports of anything other than peace and quite in the time we were away. I thought I may have been misinformed. I hadn't been...
We had a couple of sleeping grizzles during the night which woke me up enough to go and check on her but she was sleeping. She then woke up at 04:45 for a bottle. Not too bad but we got up for the day at 07:24.
I don't know what was wrong with her today but she didn't sleep in the morning and slept for about 30 minutes after baby group.
She then drained a bottle at about 15:00 and fell asleep in my arms but every time I got up to go upstairs with her she would wake up and she point-blank refused to go back to sleep in her own cot.
I was the only place she would sleep and it meant I couldn't and I couldn't do any house-work either. Not that that's a bad thing in itself, but the house is now trashed and it's depressing me.
I will be honest, I struggled today. I'm running out of ways to be entertaining / interesting and am running out of energy too.
I think I'm sleeping the right number of hours but they're broken hours.
To give you an idea, the books recommend that at 6 months old she should be having 2 naps, totalling 3-4 hours and then be sleeping for 10-11 hours at night.
Roll-on Saturday!
Tuesday, 11 June 2013
Difficult second day
Monday, 10 June 2013
So far, so good
A foreword...
Right, I've got 6 months of being the primary carer to our little girl.
I thought I'd use this blog as a way of showing how hard or easy it really is to be a stay-at-home-parent.
A couple of things I ought to mention first:
1. Emilia is - by all accounts - a very good natured baby. She's not colic-y and sleeps well at night.
2. My wife works from home. She works bloody hard but when she has her lunch she can eat it downstairs with me and Emilia.
Because of those reasons I'm not expecting this to be overly stressful however I am looking forward to what the next 6 months will bring...