
Please note, this blog does not constitute parenting advice in any way. Please do not attempt to recreate any stunts shown on this blog at home.
The author accepts no liability for any losses or injury caused. yada...yada...yada

Thursday, 23 July 2015

Emilia the Dog

**Firstly, Emilia, I'm sorry for posting this and I'm sure it'll come up in the Father-of-the-Bride speech**

This week we officially started potty-training.

I've been reading a book called "Potty Training for Girls" and it pretty much does what it says on the tin.

The idea is that you introduce the concept gradually; going nappy-less for an hour (closely supervised!) and suggest the potty a couple of times in that hour - or when you notice "signs".

After they've got the hang of pottys, you suggest that

Today I took her nappy off and we sat on the floor and played with her Peppa-Pig figures. The potty was to one side and towels were on stand-by incase of an accident.

I suggested she may need a wee and she thought about it for a second before making a "psssss" noise but refused the potty. She got up and made her way straight out of the back door onto the lawn where she squatted slightly and wee'd right on the grass!

I honestly didn't know weather to chastise her for peeing on the grass; or congratulate her for knowing not to wee on the floor!

Apparently we've been watching our dog go outside for a wee and decided that that's the place to do it.

I'm glad it wasn't raining!

Saturday, 18 July 2015


I've just been re-reading my first blogs from 2013.

I complained then about having to get up at 0500 but "21 minutes later, she was back in her cot and I was drifting off to a lovely 2 and a half more hours of sleep".

Our son is a different beast. He also wakes at 0500 (on the dot) every morning but will not go back to sleep for at least 2 hours. Emilia then wakes at 0700 (or 0730 if we're lucky) and so we're up for the day! If I'm lucky they both nap at the same time in the afternoon - but that only happens 50% of the time.

It would be a very long day except for my lovely wife who takes over when Emilia wakes up and lets me sleep for an hour or so.

I am still exhausted!

That is all. Goodnight.