
Please note, this blog does not constitute parenting advice in any way. Please do not attempt to recreate any stunts shown on this blog at home.
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Monday, 22 December 2014

And then there were two!

So I signed off the last chapter saying that I would recommend Additional Paternity Leave to anyone because of all the things I learned, all the things I saw and all the friends I made.

But in about 6 months I'm going to have to do it all again - this time also with a daughter who's going to be in the middle of her Terrible Two's!

So far I've found out that I have forgotten most of what I found out 2 years ago!

For example, I've forgotten how hard it is to change the nappy of a newborn. I've got used to having a cooperative subject - or at least one who understands what needs to be done even if she refuses!
With a newborn, he's so small and fragile-looking but his legs flail about with enough strength to knock nappies from your hand or put nappy-cream where nappy-cream shouldn't be!

So I'm learning it all again!

For those interested, here's a pic of my little boy, Tal.

Tal. Just a few hours old.