
Please note, this blog does not constitute parenting advice in any way. Please do not attempt to recreate any stunts shown on this blog at home.
The author accepts no liability for any losses or injury caused. yada...yada...yada

Monday, 22 December 2014

And then there were two!

So I signed off the last chapter saying that I would recommend Additional Paternity Leave to anyone because of all the things I learned, all the things I saw and all the friends I made.

But in about 6 months I'm going to have to do it all again - this time also with a daughter who's going to be in the middle of her Terrible Two's!

So far I've found out that I have forgotten most of what I found out 2 years ago!

For example, I've forgotten how hard it is to change the nappy of a newborn. I've got used to having a cooperative subject - or at least one who understands what needs to be done even if she refuses!
With a newborn, he's so small and fragile-looking but his legs flail about with enough strength to knock nappies from your hand or put nappy-cream where nappy-cream shouldn't be!

So I'm learning it all again!

For those interested, here's a pic of my little boy, Tal.

Tal. Just a few hours old.

Monday, 20 January 2014

...and the beginning of another.

So as I'm not a man to do things by halves, I decided that the only way to return from 6 months off was to start with 7 night shifts. Starting on a Friday night! 

To be honest, the fact that they were nights wasn't an issue. It meant that I was double-crewed and Emma's mum came down for the week to help out so I could sleep during the day.

I tried to spend as much of the day with Emilia as I could but by the time I'd fought my way through traffic to get home, then walked the dog, and had breakfast it was almost midday and I had been up for 18 hours. I was flagging! 
I did get up in time for bath and bedtime. So I would spend about an hour a day with her. 

She's a fickle little thing... On Saturday morning, I got home to a baby who crawled over to the front door, sat up on her knees, raised her arms for a cuddle and give me a big grin. By Wednesday, she would let me pick her up but she didn't come over when I came in.
By Friday morning, she didn't even raise her arms for a cuddle. She had no interest in me what-so-ever. Far more interested in "Nana". 

What a short memory they have at this age though. It would break my heart if I wasn't able to see her any length of time. I'd really worry that she would forget who I was!

It's now the following Monday and we've just been swimming. I've had lots of cuddles, lots of talking and lots of climbing on. It looks like I've been remembered and forgiven!